Dear Mental health…

2 min readFeb 21, 2021

It is so easy to live in a reality where we blame ourselves for everything. The constant cycle of waking up in the morning, checking our phones and comparing ourselves to the perfect, staged life on social media. We do this for our entertainment, yet what we don’t realise is that actually, we’re hurting ourselves.

And we’re doing this intentionally.

How many of you can confidently say that the first thing you do when you wake up is drink a glass of water or go and workout? How many of you can tell me that you don’t spend 30 mins on your social media platforms checking “what the world around you is doing” right after you open your eyes in the morning?

For us humans it has become so normal to “keep up” with the latest celebrity gossip that we lose track of our own world.

Reality is something everyone creates in their minds, therefore what is your reality if your brain is filled with things so unrealistic?

Perfect bodies, straight teeth, sculpted abs. We see these things everywhere, no matter how much you try and avoid it, it will be all over your social media.

And that is what hurts us the most. We can’t escape it.

Even if you delete Instagram and Facebook, adverts on your TV will chase you, forcing you to think about how perfect someone’s life is, ruining your reality.

Because let’s be honest here, perfection doesn’t exist in one form. The proof there is for that, are beauty standards. Beauty standards have constantly been changing over the last decades. Before, all models were supposed to be “thin”, now a lot more modelling agencies accept people of a bigger size. This is because people are waking up and realising that there is no one fixed reflection of perfection.

All bodies are perfect bodies. No matter the shape, size, colour or texture.

So, when we next see people on TV or Instagram just remember that they are human too. They bloat, they have bad days and their bad angles.

Never compare yourself to anybody because we’re all fighting battles that are unknown to other people.

And most importantly, we were not created in order to be classified as beautiful from the outside.

True beauty comes from within, and will always be worth so much more.




Imagination is our most powerful tool!